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Online Votingtool

What does the report of the results look like?

A frequently asked question is what the result of a vote looks like. You will receive a PDF file with the results after the voting period has ended. Click here to view a fictional example (it's in Dutch but you will understand it anyway ;-)

These organizations, among others, opt for safe and easy voting via Online Voting Tool:
VAB HEMAJOVDSODMVOBAEJMKNRBImperial LogisticsHV Leidsche RijnNBBUTelindusVSOAOrcaWikimedia NederlandNederland Distributie LandZetacomOvalNVOFysiogroep HaaglandenHome InsteadKNVROHolland SolarISFRVC Medical ITTri MovereUSV HerculesVCOHWVV BoniWinter Guard The Pride Huizen WSV Noord Zuid NieuwkoopEben HaezerschoolHCBDEcoburenCaecilia