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Online Votingtool

Inspirational podcasts

Online Voting Tool is part of Vote Company. When we existed for 10 years, we didn't just write a book. No, because we also had great pleasure in creating a podcast series, each time with an inspiring organizer of a great election. Under the title "Your life has only begun when you have won an Award". Listen to this podcast series in Dutch via the website;  

These organizations, among others, opt for safe and easy voting via Online Voting Tool:
VAB HEMAJOVDSODMVOBAEJMKNRBImperial LogisticsHV Leidsche RijnNBBUTelindusVSOAOrcaWikimedia NederlandNederland Distributie LandZetacomOvalNVOFysiogroep HaaglandenHome InsteadKNVROHolland SolarISFRVC Medical ITTri MovereUSV HerculesVCOHWVV BoniWinter Guard The Pride Huizen WSV Noord Zuid NieuwkoopEben HaezerschoolHCBDEcoburenCaecilia